Youssef Badawy celebrating victory with his coach -World Games 2022

Youssef Badawy is an Egyptian Karateka and a world-classed champion. Youssef became World Champion in -84 kilograms held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Inspired by his brother, who is also a kumite practitioner, Badawy took karate up at the age of five. He moved to Al Zohour Sporting Club and started making his way in the sport under his coach Mohamed Fathy by contending at the nationals.He is generally recognized by his on-target kicks and particularly by his known Ura mawashi, which he stated was his favorite move.

During the world championship,Badawy was one of the youngest contenders in the tournament. He started off with a win against Ivan Kvesić, one-time 2018 world champion, and upstaged renowned karate Top ranked.

He stated that it was an exacting win and attributed his achievement to his family. 

« The moment that I have been dreaming of my entire life, which one can never express it; for it is an ineffable feeling. The moment at which one truly values everything he has sacrificed for, and at which every instant of fatigue, pain, frustration, loss, and despair flashes right before his eyes, making him perceive God’s blessing and forget how that all felt once. All the credit goes to my parents; the real heroes and the reason, after God, behind everything. »

— Youssef Badawy on standing on the first-place podium of the World Championship

After winning a series of medals, world karate champion Youssef Badawy (21) now occupies first place in the world rankings in the -84 kg category. And he intends to go even further

Qualifying to WORLD GAMES Badawy competing against the best seven players in the world, Badawy started off with a win against the Moroccan,second fight against Dutchman.Badawy qualified for the semi final against Croatian atlet.Badawy became winner of world games.

 « I am very happy to occupy the first place in the world ranking ahead of karatekas of a very high level. Being at the top of the world rankings is both a great honor and a responsibility, because I have to work harder to keep my place among the greats. In fact, this ranking is the result of a great deal of work and I have made great progress in the rankings during the season »said Youssef.

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