Last week, a Florida principal was forced to resign after several parents complained that their children were taught about Michelangelo’s 16th Century masterpiece David without consent. The ousted principal, Hope Carrasquilla, along with the parents and children of the art class have all been publicly invited by the Florence mayor Dario Nardella and officials from the Galleria dell’Accademia to come to Italy and learn more about the work in person.
According to the Tallahassee Democrat, Carrasquilla was told by the school’s head of board, Barney Bishop III, that she would be fired or have to resign after three parents deemed the work to be “pornographic.” In an interview with the Associated Press, Cecilie Hollberg, director of the Galleria dell’Accademia, was taken aback, noting: “To think that David could be pornographic means truly not understanding the contents of the Bible, not understanding Western culture and not understanding Renaissance art.”